Wednesday, August 7, 2013

RIP Mr. Miggins ~

Monday morning while trying my best to get to my preplanning meeting on time, Jackson came down stairs BAWLING crying....the conversation went like this...
"What's wrong!?!"
"Miggins! He's dead!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes mam, pretty sure"
"How do you know?"
"He's laying on his back and his teeth are like this..."
(mental picture of Jax poking rabbit teeth out with his eye squinty shut)
"....and he is flat!"
I went upstairs and pronounced Mig dead...and the boy was heart broken!!!!!
He got a box so we could have a funeral after school ~ this was the box he used for his can see he crossed out "Stuff" and added "is dead" ...
Now, I don't know much about burials, but I did learn VERY quickly that you want a TINY box for a coffin! I didn't have the heart to tell him that box was too big. Dalton was FREAKING out when he saw the size of the box, but he was so sad we tried to make it didn't....We dug and dug...
We finally settled on a sandwich container (which I HIGHLY recommend!) He wrote another message and we put him in the ground. We held hands and said a prayer...the 4 of us in our backyard...Jackson was bawling, Mary Dalton was crying...and I was too...
I hate to see my children heartbroken...
It's only happened a time or two, but it is SO hard to see.
Suz was in Augusta and got him a new mini hamster, but he's still pretty upset. I found him outside talking to Miggins yesterday and it looked like he had been crying...
It's one of those hard life lessons that everyone has to experince at some time or another....
It's brought up a lot of questions about heaven, dying, etc. from Jackson. All good questions, and ones he knows the answers to.
He is so sweet and is so worried because Mary Dalton hasn't asked Jesus into her heart. He said,
"Mama, if Jesus comes back...and we all go to heaven...who is she gonna live with?"
He's working on her! Sweet boy...
I told him the decision has to be hers and we have to wait until the time is right for her...but he is praying for her...and who knows....somthing good may come out of Miggins' death after all!!!

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