Thursday, September 12, 2013

Just Our Crazy Kids ~ ~ ~ ~

I can't begin to explain how WONDERFUL it is to be at home during the week nights ~ we are still on the go, but it is SO much better than it was last year! Monday afternoon while Mary Dalton was at dance, Jackson set up "Birdopoly" ~ we have been playing every night as a family and have had the BEST time!!! The kids are hilarious when we play! Jackson and I are both officially bankrupt, but Mary D and Dalton are still in! It has been a hoot and we have had a great time!
We have stayed up LATE playing! So late that Jackson was SO TIRED that he forgot to take off his PJs ~ he wore them under his clothes to school!
Mary Dalton has a chevron backpack this year...while it is super super cute...the white part gets NASTY!!! There is a ton of sickness going around our school, so I decided to wash lunchboxes and backpacks ~ ALL of this was in hers...and we have been in school FOUR weeks....WHOSE CHILD IS THIS?!?!? Clutter!?!? I made her throw away half that mess!
Sweet Jax was counting his ones...that was all he had left...his quote...
"Guess I will be eating off the dollar menu at McDonalds! "
The kids and I went to eat Mexican tonight ~ we haven't been in FOREVER and it was SO good! There's just something about chiips, salsa, and cheese dip that makes me all sorts of happy!
The kids got fried ice cream too and ate every singel bite!
We got our money's worth for sure!

There's a cold front coming this weekend and I have say I am EXCITED! I am ready for some cooler weather and to get out our fall decorations! Hopefully we will get to that this weekend! :)

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