Sunday, September 8, 2013

Whatta FUN Weekend!!!!

Our weekend was super busy and super fun!!! We had to leave school early on Friday to come home to oversee the construction workers...Dalton took the mornind shift....
We came home and Jackson started cleaning his room out ~ we are in the process of updating it a bit! See that big fish??? It's going in there! ;) He's super excited!!!
The kids have so enjoyed seeing Susan-Laine this week! She is the BEST baby!!! I could eat her with a spoon! We think that she and Mary Dalton favor some ~ SLM is top left and bottom right ~ they both have a super sweet dimple! LOVE LOVE LOVE her!!!
Suz had a "Sip and See" on Friday so everyone could come see how sweet, precious and perfect our new baby is! Miss Lucille came to see the new baby! We have missed her!!! We LOVE Miss Lucille! she was the BEST sitter and is going to keep SLM, too!
Mary Dalton & Jackson were SO excited about the party ~ They ate LOTS of chocolate "cigarettes" ~ no cigars...but cigarettes! They are taking all the leftover chocolates to school to share tomorrow! One of the perks of your grandparents owning a candy company! ;)
Friday night, we went out to dinner ~ We haven't been to Lil Jakes in forever, but it was SO good!!! Dalton and I shared the steak and shrimp and it was worth every single calorie!
Mary Dalton NEVER sits on my side...and Jackson was as wild as a buck on Dalton's side! He was all over the place...we are gonna have to switch back...they always want to sit by Dalton...he's way more fun than me! ;)
Such NICE table manners!!!
Saturday, we went to Drew's birthday party ~ it was a fishing party! Mary Dalton took her pole but never fished.  Jackson was ALL OVER it!!! He had a ball! There was an alligator in the pond and that REALLY made his day!
Mary Ann went all out! The party was at his Grandparent's was BEAUITFUL!!! Mary Ann had everything decorated, 2 churns of homemade ice cream, birthday cake, pound cake, hotdogs, baked beans, pasta salad, chips, dips, cookies, goldfish, and a candy bar! It was a GREAT party!!!
Mary Dalton & Maggie found the 2 babies there...and pretty much packed them around the whole time! They are gonna be good little mamas! :)
After the party, we went to tell Sue-anna and Susan-Laine goodbye ~ We gave her her bottle before they left!
While we were seeing them off, the boys went to hunt! Dove season is here and they are so excited!!! Jackson was so excited that he hit one....he said feathers went everywhere! :)
While the boys were hunting, we did a little cooking! Mary Dalton made this fruit pizza with a "G" for the GA game ~ must've worked...they won!!!
We are about 75% done with our bathroom ~ We moved back in our bedroom but are still showering and dressing upstairs ~ Obviously we are out of towels...Dalton found this one in the guest bath! ha!!! He is a RIOT!!! LOVE this man!
We went to church this morning and the kids also started Team Kid ~ They really had a fun time and I am excited that they are attending this year!
This afternoon, the boys hit the woods again and Mary Dalton & I enjoyed some R&R by the pool!!!

And that's just what we needed ~ We've got a lot going on this week, too!!!

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