Sunday, September 22, 2013

Rainbow Looms, Fashionista, Games, Friends & Family!

That's pretty much what we have been up to lately! If your children aren't making Rainbow Loom bracelets...consider yourself lucky!!! These rubberbands are ALL OVER the house! But, the kids love them and it keeps them busy! So bracelet making is the new hobby at the Dowdy House!
LOVE this picture! The kids pick their own clothes out for school ~ with a little guidance to be sure we wear everything ~ Thursday we forgot to lay out clothes...Mary Dalton hit the nail on the head with the seersucker dress and precious shoes...Jackson went for the underarmour look ~ he is ALL about some comfort, while his sister is all about looking her best! ;)
Friday after school, Jax got a haircut and we stopped for DQ!
And the NEVER ENDING game of Birdopoly is STILL going on!!! They played a couple of rounds Friday night before the ball game....
we were SO surprised that sweet Susan-Laine came for a visit!!! We literally fight over her!
She has gotten so big in just a week and a half! I could hold her ALL day!
Saturday morning, I got up and ran ~ I am doing a "crash" training program to TRY to get ready for a half in a month! I ran 8miles Saturday and didn't die! I am going to do 10...or try on Saturday...if I survive...I am signing up. I have wanted to do one for over a year and I know I will be nervous but I KNOW I can finish it. No goals on times, just living to tell about it will be my goal! :)
Saturday afternoon, Susan-Laine came to visit!
Sue-anna and Mary D ~ her "first" baby!
Dalton and his friends cooked lobster at the cabin this weekend ~ They were flown in from Maine and Jackson could hear them scratching in the box and was dying to play with them! When Dalton got home we got them out and he had a ball!
I just held this sweet, sleeping angel....
Saturday night, Mary Dalton went ith Abby to "Fun Gym" and spent the night! She had the BEST time!!! She has talked about it all day!
While she was gone, Ty came and spent the night with Jackson. They were WILD as bucks! They had fun though! They had a picnic and went on a scavenger hunt!
We have got a BIG week ~ Homecoming week!!! My kids are SO super excited about dressing up each day! Me ~ not so much ~ the kids will be WILD this week! Just trying to survive is my goal! :)

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