Tuesday, October 8, 2013

And To Think We Made it 9 Weeks WELL!!!!

This picture just about sums up my day ~ And to think it was Day One of the Bible Study I started at church...funny how God knows what we need to hear and when we need to hear it...
and because I am "worn out" ~ my pics are in the wrong order and I'm not changing it...Normally this would drive me insane, but today I am taking the lazy route...
So thankful for this man ~ he came home and immediately helped me get the kids situated/happy ~ he is the BEST. Love him so much...
Ahhh...and to think that 24 hours ago I was on a date with him at Bonefish Grill ~ how quickly things can change when you have children ~ but we had a GREAT time! Even found Dalton a new suit for something important later this month and he took me for yogurt...my favorite! :)
This sweet thing woke me up at 3:45 this morning saying his head was hurting...I thought migraine and sent him straight in the bathroom while I tried to get my glasses on...I haven't cleaned up puke (knock on wood....KNOCK KNOCK!!!!) in a LONG time and sure didn't want to start today!!! When I got to him he was in his boxers and BURNING up.. He said it wasn't a migraine, just a headache and he was hot. 103 hot....It hasn't broken ALL DAY! I took him to the Dr and she is treating him for a bad sinus infection.
He pretty much spent the day on a pallet or in the tub. His temp spiked around 4 and the floodgates of vomit started...like a CHAMP he hit the target...That my friends MAKES MY DAY!!! I can dump it, but I can BARELY clean it....Thanks Jax...You made your mama proud! ;)
He slept from 5-8 and is up now drinking some tea and eating a few crackers...Yoohoo is going to keep him for me tomorrow so I can go to work...So thankful for that! 
While Jax was tossing his cookies, Mary Dalton and I were cooking away ~ I really didn't realize how gross that was until I just typed it ~ We made the BEST Chicken Tortilla Soup...similar to Chick Fila ~ I am in LOVE with Mix and Match Mama! We also made some yummy salted carmel brownies! 

As much as I HATE to see him sick, I am thankful that it is nothing serious and it gives me some extra time to love on him....he is the best little patient...everytime I ask him if he wants something he says " I'm good." Bless him....
We were planning our annual trip to the fair tomorrow night, so hopefull the Rx will kick in and he will be able to go! If not, we will try again later this week!

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