Saturday, October 12, 2013

Make Up Work, Groovebook, GIRLS DAY & Ghost Hunting ~

The last few days around here have been BUSY!!! After Jackson got better, he had to get his make up work done FAST so we could get to the fair! He had 9 different things he had to complete  ~ he is SUCH a hard worker. He doesn't complain, he just gets it done. Love his hard work and his determination!!! And I am very glad he is feeling better! One more day on his Rx! 
If  you have an iphone and don't have the Groovebook App ~ get it!!! It is AWESOME!!! If you use DOWDY 6 for your coupon code you get your first book free! You upload 100 pics a month from your phone and it comes printed in this can tear them out or keep them in the book. I NEVER print pics anymore so I LOVE this!!! It is onlt $2.99 a month, too!! 
This cute chick stopped by my room on Thursday to get a bottle of water for the softball game! Best part of my job....I can see them throughout the day! :) 
And somehow ~  ~ ~
All the starts and planets aligned correctly and Clairissa and I got to go to ATL for a Girl's Day!!! We have five children between the 2 of us that had to stay well, we BOTH had to get permission to take the day off from work, but somehow....we snuck away....and it was WONDERFUL!!!
I don't know the last time I had girl time ~ I quit our Bunko group last year because it just got to be too much for me so this was a long overdue and much needed estrogen filled day!!! 
We went to Mistletoe Market Place in Cobb County ~ it is VERY small compared to the one in MS, but it was still fun! We also went to the mall and lots of others stores! We had the BEST lunch at Cheesecake Factory!
~ ~And we did not plan to dress just happened...looks like we are at a Chevron Convention! ;)
We both enjoyed our day and even started on our Christmas shopping! 
I was SO ready to see these two monkeys!!! We stayed at the cabin last night and came home today ~ They got all sorts of gear together and are currently on a "Monster Hunt" ~ not sure what exactly that entails, but they are outside so I am not asking!!! 
Enjoy your Saturday!!!

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