Friday, December 4, 2015

Week 47 & 48 #apictureadayin2015

Well ~ I am behind AGAIN ~ here is a recap of the last two weeks!!!
11/20 ~ 
My sweet high school boys WON our State championship!!! 
LOVED their sign!!! 

Saturday ~ 
All of my family together to celebrate my parent's 50th anniversary ~ 
Sunday ~ 
Empty nesters for the week!!!
Shopping with my favorite on Monday! 
Tuesday  ~
Sweet Razz came to GA!!! 
Wednesday ~ 
We spent the night at the cabin and enjoyed delicious steaks!!! Love the cabin ~ Love Big D! 
Thanksgiving night ~ I talked this man into taking me to Bath and Body Works 
Friday ~ 
We had no children but Razz! 
Her feet never touched the ground!!!
Saturday ~ 
These cuties came home!!! We missed them so much and I swear they grew an inch! 
Sunday ~ 
My pic didn't post but we spent more time at the park!!!
Monday ~ 
Supper with Santa 
Tuesday ~ 
Open House at The Orchards
Wednesday ~ 
Pajama Christmas Party!!! 
Thursday ~ 
Practicing being "regal" for the play this weekend!!! 
4 more weeks of 2015!!! How can it be?!?!
Time is sure flying by!!! 

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