Monday, December 31, 2018

Year End Review

2018… You were  a good one.

Our year started out with a trip to Dallas! Jackson turned 12 and Mary Dalton and I went to New York and DC with my highschoolers. Spring came and we enjoyed outdoor concerts and celebrating Easter! 

Spring is my favorite time of year and this year was super busy! The boys went to Texas on a turkey hunt, both children were in the GISA spelling bee,  Dalton and I had a trip to Savannah, both the children received many awards and honors day, and Mary Dalton competed in the school pageant.

May prove to be just as busy! Mary Dalton dance and her last dance recital, Jackson had a recorder recital, Dalton and I enjoyed date nights, and we spent lots of time at the cabin!

in late May and early June we traveled. We spent a few days in Seattle before heading to Alaska and Canada. Mary Dalton and I won the karaoke contest for the whole ship,  and we took a girls trip to the beach with Nana! 

July brought us lots of pool time, Coast time, and fishing. Mary Dalton went to cheer camp and we loved having Elizabeth spend three weeks with us! 

In late July/August/September we welcome to drake into our family, took a trip to Woodstock to visit the Palmer‘s, and surprised Mary Dalton in New Orleans by having Whitney show up! Mary Dalton👯❤️ was named the eighth grade homecoming representative and my crew welcome to fall by a dive shoot! 

Late September and October I celebrated my 40th birthday in Jamaica with some of my favorite people! I also had a party at the cabin to celebrate. Jackson played football and Mary Dalton cheered, we had fun at Halloween, and Mary Dalton found her self the cutest boyfriend! 

November and December came and went so fast! Mary Dalton was busy playing basketball, Jackson was busy trapping, Dalton went on a trip to Texas and we celebrated Thanksgiving at the cabin with an oyster roast. We had many fun Christmas activities as well!! 
2018 will always be a special year for us! We look forward to 2019 and all the memories waiting to be made!!! 

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