Monday, April 22, 2019


Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays! I absolutely love filling up an Easter basket for my kids. Even though they are teenagers, they still look forward to getting an Easter basket full of treats!

I always put a swimsuit in their basket, their favorite snacks and a couple of other useful items! It’s so much more fun to get regular every day items in a fun basket!!!

We had a super busy weekend, but were up and ready for church… And actually we were early!
We had to take all of our pictures using the self timer!

I’m so thankful for my sweet little family!

After church, we went to the cabin and had a low country boil with shrimp, crab legs, and crawfish. It was absolutely delicious! The weather was perfect and we enjoyed spending time outside.

After we ate, the kids ride the golf cart and we enjoyed sitting on the front porch… Officially old people. We are front porch sitters....

but with a view like this how can you not be?!?

Holy goodness. This was a plate of pure heaven!!!!

Another Easter tradition that I will never give up is dying Easter eggs! The kids weren’t really pumped but once we got out there they got into it and had a blast!

We took a nap and then went and picked Whitney up. We had an Easter egg hunt with plastic eggs that we filled with money and cooked hamburgers.

They were playing for money! They were running around wide-open!!!!

after the egg hunt, they had an egg fight which resulted in Whitney and Jackson ganging up on Mary Dalton! It was quite comical! We all hate boiled eggs and nobody wants it on them so she was freaking out! It was such a nice day to have a break from our phones and social media. It’s amazing what kids can find to do when there’s no phone around! 

It was a wonderful Easter and we are so thankful for the many blessings that God has given us and especially our salvation! 

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