Thursday, May 23, 2019

Wrapping Up the Year!

All the parties hands are going up because today is my last official day of school! I have had a great year and my kids have a great years but this teacher is worn out! I can’t wait for lots of lazy days by the pool this summer!!! 

We’ve been super busy the last few days! Dalton had a luncheon and was able to talk with Governor Kemp. I mean I know he’s mine… But Dalton is so handsome!!! Love this picture so much! He’s SUCH a hard worker and he’s so much fun! 
Our school had baccalaureate service this past Sunday. Mary Dalton is going to be sad to see graci rae graduate but she’s excited she’s not going far from Louisville!!!

One of my sweet students! When he first came to our school he absolutely hated my guts and pushed every button he good. I told him then that he would learn to love me and come around to “the Dowdy way“...and he did....and he’s such a good young man! I’m so proud of all my students!!!! 

Cheer practice is going strong, too!!! We had a professional come in this past week and rank the girls 1 to 21 to help us with our lines . The girls were so nervous but they did such a good job!!!

Mary Dalton  has a few friends over this week to celebrate end of school! Alllllll these boys and three girls. Those boys would walk on fire for those girls! They take care of them! I love so much how close they all are!!!

While I was in party mode… We also went ahead and had a Cheer party kick off to summer party!

We have 21 girls cheering on the football team this year! They all came over for a snack supper and to do a big sister/little sister reveal!

Mary Dalton got sweet Betsy for her big sister! Can’t wait for a fun year of cheer and I know Betsy will be a great cheer mentor for md! 

Pool full of pretty girls...Jackson was in HEAVEN. Ha! 

Speaking of Jackson… He’s not much on taking pictures these days but I have to share this one. It’s seriously like overnight that he went from looking like a little boy looking  like a teenager. He’s my heart!!!! And so. Dang. Handsome.!

we are headed out of town for the weekend for some much-needed R&R! The 16th year of my teaching career is now under my belt and I can’t wait to recoup and relax this summer!!!

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